glow in the dark painting for Shadowlux Art.

...And so a new adventure begins! ~ Introducing Shadowlux Art

Shadowlux Art is my new glow in the dark project. For over ten years I’ve painted glow in the dark art literally in the dark and now it’s time to change it up and fuse glow art with colourful canvas art. Before Stella Murals I painted landscape art around Canterbury, New Zealand. I loved the yellow fields and dark norwest skies of Canterbury summers but it was never quite warm enough. Finally we made a move to an amazing forever place that blends the best of hot Canterbury days and perfect colourful Australian beaches. Moving to Western Australia has been a dream. 

The nature here is amazing, pink cockatoos, ravens, "28" parrots and possums all visit our garden. The beach is a 15 minute walk away. The waters are shallow and peaceful and have that special clear turquoise Western Australian hue, some days we see dolphins feeding in the shallows when taking the dog for a swim.  The sand is golden or pure white. We see kangaroos in the yellow grass country fields not too far away. Australia is the best, I don't think you can go wrong here!

An artist cannot live in Western Australia and not be inspired by its incredible idyllic beauty.

Shadowlux will taking the inspiration of the yellow fields, warm summers, intensely colourful beaches and fusing them with glow in the dark skies that light up at night. But more, I always loved the animal commissions I got with Stella Murals and love to paint them also. 

There's so much work to do to become an acrylic artist again and apart from digital art, I've not painted in colour all the time I was working on Stella Murals. I'm really excited to start something new again and get back to painting the whole picture. 

Unlike the many artisan moons of Stella Murals, every Shadowlux painting is unique, no two are alike. 

You can find Shadowlux Art here:

See you over there! :) ~ From shadows come light!

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