Tag: the jewel box

The Southern Cross: World Famous in New Zealand
The Southern Cross is New Zealand's most well known star constellation. Also named Crux, this small constellation was once part of the larger constellation of Centaurus, but is now is the most iconic sight in New Zealand and Australian skies. It is mainly only visible in the Southern Hemisphere. It features on both countries flags and the Maori know it as Te Punga, the anchor of a great sky waka (canoe) or Māhutonga an opening in the Milky Way through which storm winds escape. Crux remains unseen in much of the Northern Hemisphere, including most of the United States as it doesn't ascend above the horizon. However In the U.S. state of Hawaii, you can observe the entire Southern Cross. To catch sight of it...
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About Stella Murals
Stella Murals is an Australian based glow in the dark art studio. Started in 2011, owned and operated exclusively by New Zealand artist Esther Iranyi.