Tag: Trouble shooting glow in the dark stars

Why are my glow in the dark stars not glowing?
Trouble shooting ~ If you're using high quality glow in the dark stars, charging them with daylight/sunlight and a quick top up at night with a bright room light is usually enough for a bright glow. Here are a few extra tips if you run into trouble: ☀️ DARKEN THE ROOM Make sure the room is dark for viewing, moon light or street light flooding in from the windows can wash out the glow. ☀️ USE EXTRA LIGHT IN DIM ROOMS Basements/darker rooms will need a bright room light to compensate, use a bright room light and get direct light on the mural. Use lights like UV tubes, CFLs, Fluorescent tubes or floor lamps angled at the ceiling. You can also use...
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About Stella Murals
Stella Murals is an Australian based glow in the dark art studio. Started in 2011, owned and operated exclusively by New Zealand artist Esther Iranyi.